Articulate Website Program Strategy Well

Are you ready to articulate your website program strategy well at business meetings?
Website Program Strategy
Having a successful website program strategy is important to the success of many businesses so it is important that you are able to articulate your website program strategy well at business meetings.
Is your website program operational or strategic?
Every business tends to have at least one website and there is always work to do to keep on top of everything that has to be done. However, when we actually look carefully at these activities, very often we find that many if not all of them are day to day operational tasks.
Operational tasks are essential, but they are not necessarily strategic. Being busy is not necessarily strategic either. For a website program to be strategic it needs to both linked to other relevant strategies and be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound). For a website program to actually work it needs to have been thought through. It needs to have substance.
Is your website program seen as a success?
Business meetings can be uncomfortable if the work we are doing does not for whatever reason match the expectations of other people. Sometimes we may feel that the comments are unfair, but fair or otherwise, we can be sure that people in authority will voice their opinion, and it is up to us to have the answers.
Articulate your web program strategy well
Highly experienced senior people can instantly see-through poor presentations. The “right answers” to give are therefore not some smooth lines to get people off our backs, divert attention, sidestep the point, or worse still ignore any concerns. The right answers need to show other people that we know what we are doing and that we have a winning process.
We need to have substance in what we are trying to communicate, and we need to ensure that the methods we are using are a good fit for those people we are communicating with. That is why we should consider communicating our web program strategy verbally, in writing and visually. Very often we will be using a combination of all three methods.
Verbally – through conversations, talks, presentations
In Writing – via reports and discussion document
Visually – using presentations, images, charts, infographics
Putting together presentations and other types of communications to even a basic standard requires a collection of skills as well as access to specific information. Preparing for more important business meetings requires even greater thought and attention to detail. Why do I make this point? Because very often we cannot achieve what we want to achieve alone. We need to collaborate with others, both inside and outside of the company. For web programs this may mean internal colleagues and outside agencies. For a web program to be strategic, everyone needs to be on the same page.
If we want to show others that we have successful website programs, we need to be totally comfortable in our use of these two words, “strategy” and “strategic.” By knowing what we want our website program to achieve and by making logical choices, we can show that we have a clear thought process that is geared to success. Working this way can, if necessary, reposition us from a position to where we have felt that we are under severe pressure, to being recognised as a valuable asset to the business. That is where we want to be so we can be trusted to continue our work, have our requests for further funding approved, and work in a purpose driven environment as opposed to constantly being asked to react to everchanging and unrealistic demands.
Create your ideal world
We can be the architects of our own destiny more than we think, but consistent success requires consistent effort. Working this way is definitely not for everyone, but for those people with a burning desire to succeed, we have great support to help.

Articulate your website program strategy well
Verbally articulate your website program strategy in meetings, presentations and other types of formal and informal conversations.
Articulate your website program strategy well
Visually articulate your website program strategy using relevant and specific images, charts and illustrations that bring meaning and understanding to your presentations.
Articulate your website program strategy well
in writing
Articulate your website program strategy through writing as a single or multi-page document for discussion.