Articulate Strategy Well Self Assessment

Here are three self-assessment questions to get a feel for where you are right now.

  • Rank your company on a scale of 1-5
  • If you are strong in that area, choose a higher number
  • If you are weak in that area, choose a lower number

(You don’t need to actually click on the numbers – nothing will happen. Just make a mental note of your scores. This is just a way to start the thinking process).

1 Assess Understanding

On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest score

How well do people understand your strategy?

2 Assess Support

On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest score

Do people know how they can individually support your strategy?

3 Assess Activity

On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest score

Are people doing what you need to drive your strategy?

Evaluate your scores to articulate strategy well

Scores of 1,2 or 3

Suggest that:

  • There is little understanding or interest in your strategy

Scores of 4’s

Suggest that:

  • People perhaps ‘get’ your strategy, but there may be a lack of the buy-in

Scores of 5’s

Indicate that your stakeholders:

  • Understand your strategy
  • Are supportive of your thinking, plans and activities
  • Know how they can individually make a contribution
  • Are personally acting strategically to make a difference

Set New Goals

  • Improving your score means building new improved capabilities
  • Do you need help to move your scores from one’s, two’s, threes and fours to fives?