Consider using a specialist external consultancy to help you to articulate strategy well

  • Fresh ideas
  • New Approach
  • Specialist tools

Communicate clearly and concisely 

Articulate Strategy Well from Hargreaves Marketing

‘Articulate Strategy Well’ from Hargreaves Marketing Ltd is a blend of specialist consultancy, services and coaching to help you to communicate your strategy clearly and concisely at important business meetings.

By articulating strategy well, you can:

  • Lead more effectively through good communication
  • Build your management team’s capabilities in acting strategically
  • Develop your talented rising stars into strategic leaders

Our practical services help you to do key jobs, save huge amounts of time and build knowledge, skills and confidence to articulate strategy well in three key areas:

The Hargreaves Marketing 5 Step Collaborative Process

1 Discuss

We get clarity together

2 Critical Thinking

We work out your options together

3 Iterate

We produce (if required) verbal, written and visual communications together

4 Practice

We rehearse together

5 Review

We evaluate and prepare for your next step together 

Discussion and Collaboration

You know your business, we know about communicating strategy…

Close Collaboration

Our best results are achieved when we work together in close collaboration with you and your management team.

  • You know your business
  • We know about communicating strategy

When working on important projects, there is no substitute for having a close working relationship.

Our work will save you huge amounts of time, but we will still need time to meet (usually by web meeting) to assess, plan, discuss progress, fine tune, practice and review. These will often short meetings, the sort that you would expect to have with an internal colleague.

Unique Style, Experience & Services

The chances are that if you are working with me, you do not have an internal colleague (or colleagues) who is available to provide the type, range or volume of support that I can. Also, being an external supplier, I am likely to work in a style that is different from how you would normally do things. It is this difference that can often make the difference.

Of course, everything needs to knit together, so for the period of the project, I tend to work (albeit remotely by web meeting) alongside internal teams.

Working this way is a proven, collaborative and iterative process that get results.