Closing your strategy-execution gap

Being able to implement and execute strategy is a very different thing from having dreams, goals, visions and even written plans. Closing your strategy-execution gap, (the difference between what you want to do and actually doing it in a positive and effective way), takes some time, thought and effort.

Our clients are typically business owners, directors and senior managers who want to:

  1. Align structure, process and the work done by individual job holders and cross-functional teams to execute business and business unit strategy well.
  2. Directly support company, business and business unit strategies through high-performance marketing.
  3. Support both the marketing function and marketing people with the best methods and tools to do the jobs required.
  4. Similarly, support the sales function and salespeople to enable them to perform at their best.

Hargreaves Marketing is a niche consultancy offering specialist services with one-to-one coaching support all designed to close the strategy-execution gap.

  1. Niche Consultancy – our strengths are in working with business owners to turn problems into opportunities through developing, implementing and executing strategies together. 
  2. Specialist Services – Developing, implementing, and executing strategies requires specialist expertise and services that many companies do not possess in-house. We fill that gap.
  3. One-to-One Coaching Support – Whilst strategy work is a collaborative effort, working through strategy projects often places people in areas that they are not familiar with. Our one-to-one coaching provides the support you and your people need to keep your project on track.
  • Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Sales

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Specialist Services:
  • Research
  • Critical thinking
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Boardroom Presentations
  • Business Documents
  • Recruitment
  • Tools and templates

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Coaching Support:
  • Strategy
  • Communications
  • Understanding concepts
  • Adoption of methodologies, processes, tools and templates

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Hargreaves Marketing was founded in 2012 by Adrian Hargreaves. Originally created to help owners and staff of SME companies embrace digital. We have since evolved to focus on strategic work.

Adrian Hargreaves has diplomas from both the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and The Institute of Sales Promotion (ISP) as well as decades of experience working in sales and marketing roles for several notable organisations including BT, Daniel Thwaites PLC, Marstons PLC, Thomson Local, and Haymarket Media Group.

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Adrian Hargreaves
Adrian Hargreaves