Articulate Strategy Well Services
Articulate strategy well services are practical support for leaders who want to articulate strategy well, (verbally, visually, and in writing) at important strategic meetings, discussions and events
Our articulate strategy well themed services to help business people have been developed over the last several years and bring together the various ideas, concepts, methods, processes, models, tools, templates, mental approaches and behaviours that I feel are important.
Good communication is an absolutely essential requirement for good strategy. Great communication can deliver great strategy, build capabilities and develop people.
Specialist Services
The two aims of our services are firstly to help build an understanding of your strategy, and secondly to articulate to other people so that they understand it too.
We provide a number of services to build the explanations you require to explain your strategies so that other people can understand them.
Once there is clarity in understanding your strategies, then we can work on how you can articulate them to your various stakeholders at meetings and events.
The difference #1
As an independent consultant I am not part of a chain, nor affiliated to any organisation. Therefore I am not under pressure form any other party to produce sales, or work in a prescribed way that may be unsuited to the needs of your business.
Instead, I am free to work to my values and to produce and continually adapt services that create value for my clients.
Creating value for clients comes through discussion and collaboration. In some cases I have a ‘raw’ or proven service that is already is in place which is then are adapted, or tailored to each situation. In other situations, I develop a completely new service to help solve a client problem or to maximise an opportunity.
Every client, every business and every business unit are different. The ability to adapt is key.
The difference #2
Many consultants choose to go down a specialist route and ‘find their niche.’ Specialisation helps us to focus on a niche area that enables us to develop valuable knowledge and expertise. Choosing that niche is a story within itself, but in my case it has been about looking back at my thirty year career in employment, along with the ten years self employed to understand my strengths, value my experiences, and find what I most interested in. Then I have matched these qualities with specific customer needs to form a unique value proposition.
The difference #3
The value proposition…
Leaders tend to have challenging problems and ambitious goals. To reach these goals leaders need to engage the support of other people through good communication. However, even with good communication, there is often a capability gap that will prevent the work getting done and the strategy being executed. Hargreaves Marketing provides a range of services to address all of these issues while developing knowledge and skills that your business and organisation can also apply successfully in work related to strategy, marketing and sales. My value proposition is unique in terms of its scope, depth and flexibility.
The next step…
As I have indicated, discussion through consultancy is the way forward. However, I understand that you are likely to want to get a feel for the types of services I offer. Feel free to browse, however the easier way is to simply give me a call so we can discuss.
Click to call Adrian Hargreaves tel:07866795858
Consultancy | Specialist Services | Coaching